CPC is the main driver of 'Chinese miracle'

2021-06-18 22:00

A big important date for all of China - the 100th anniversary of the country's Communist Party(CPC) this year – is an important milestone for the entire Chinese society. This is the moment when it is worth looking back at everything that has been achieved and lived, and draw conclusions.

The current Communist Party of China has 92 million members, while at the dawn of its creation it had only 50 members. In that distant 1921, it was unimaginable that the creation of a new force based on the revolutionary workers' and peasants' movement would one day bring to life the very "Chinese miracle" that even the most ardent opponents of China grudgingly admit.

At the same time, the essence of the triumph of the Chinese model of development is simple - it is based on the sincere love and dedication of the people of China, who fervently believe in the sacred foundation of the Chinese state, its unshakable foundation - the Communist Party of China. It is this relationship between the leadership of the Communist Party and the common people that makes it possible to achieve unique results in all areas of the life.

According to the PRC, over the past eight years, 98.99 million people living in rural areas have overcome the poverty line. And 832 counties and 128 villages have been lifted out of poverty.

However, this is not just a trick or flashy statistics, but a prime example of the principle of mutual relations. Since 2013, the country has invested $ 246 billion in poverty eradication. As President Xi Jinping noted, starting from the late 70s, 770 million Chinese have been lifted out of poverty thanks to the investment.

One of the most deeply thought-out strategies of the parties in the foreign and domestic policy of China in the 90s is the successful decision of the CCP to develop a socialist economy with Chinese characteristics, the use of capitalist mechanisms, the introduction of private property and a market economy.

Thus, we can say that, being the most dynamically developing state in the world, using capitalist tools in the economy, China continues to be and remains a socialist country with humane positions and care for the interests of the common man.

Together with the creation of the most powerful competitive economy in the world, under the leadership of the Communist Party, China is successfully implementing the ideas and directions of socialist politics and economics. And they, in turn, make it possible to successfully realize China's leadership throughout the world. So, for example, China's policy of non-interference in the affairs of other countries, as well as active assistance to underdeveloped and developing countries, has been recognized across the world.

This approach allows China to successfully coexist in the modern world with states with more reactionary politics, while remaining not involved in world's destructive political processes, wars that can affect the viability, independence of states, etc. The CCP's strategy rests on higher values such as the equality and rights of peoples, the sovereignty of states and their prosperity.

The CCP does not consider itself entitled to impose its will on some and infringe on the rights of others - as, unfortunately, some developed Western countries do. However, if we try to analyze this policy of non-interference, China's equidistance from the "hot spots" on the planet and the policy of self-sufficiency, we will see that in the final perspective, an aggressive policy of imposing the own interests of a number of Western countries, the seizure of new spheres of influence in other regions does not lead to victorious results.

In this sense, an important socialist principle of China - close cooperation with developing countries, the development of their human and economic potential together, finds an important response in modern reality. The impulse of global development that Chinese investments brought to the economies of these countries made it possible for China to create, in cooperation with these countries, a transnational system of economic relations, the core of which is currently Beijing.

Remaining the main socialist power on the planet, adhering to the humanistic principles and messages developed by the Chinese Communist Party, based on the life and prosperity of an ordinary person, China is continuously progressing, becoming more powerful and stronger every day.